
Blogpost # 3: Good or Bad?

Now that we know the real beauty of mermaids, are they still good in your own point of view? Does their real look have an effect on their actions and behavior? Let us know how mermaids have known years ago. How people that time react when they see or talk about mermaids. Mermaids can be a darling or evil killers of the sea which means that they can be good or bad.

During ancient times, people see mermaids as a bad luck. They were afraid to encounter mermaids because they believed that mermaids were bad. An article in novelnovice.com entitled “All about Mermaids,Myths, Legends and Pop Culture” by Sara discussed that traditionally, mermaids are known for their beautiful voice. They sing lullabies and hymns that distract and enchant the people sailing. They were also blamed for causing shipwrecks and drowning humans.

We can say that mermaid causes bad, violent storm that destroys the ships. Mermaids are also accused of killing people especially the sailors. They hypnotize people, they use their voices to seduce people specially men, they drag people deep down in the water until the sailor will not be able to breathe, drown and eventually died. However, there are also things that makes the mermaid good.

Even if many people say that mermaids are bad luck, some people during the ancient times said that these creatures are good. According to an article in examiner.com entitled “Paranormal Facts About Mermaids” by Kelly Haulotte, mermaids bring some good luck and fortune. These mermaids are beautiful, gentle and kind. Good mermaids also lure men but in a way that they help men on their way. They warn the sailors about storms and other disaster.

Maybe the reason why these people claiming that mermaids are good is because every time they see mermaids, they conclude that these creatures wanted to say something to them. That mermaids wanted them to avoid danger, be careful and be aware.

Based on my opinion and observation, mermaid is neither a good nor a bad luck. And also, the character of a person do not base on his or her appearance. Mermaids do not have that certain evil or good characteristics. For me, It is just our mind who thinks that seeing a mermaid is like this and like that because they are different from us.

How about you? Are they good or bad?

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