
Effects of Mermaid in Psychology of Women

Chapter 1

A.  Background of the Study

Mermaid has been the talk of town around the world for many centuries. Mermaids, a marine creature with an upper body of a female human and a lower body of a fish, appeared in every single culture in most of the countries. Tales and stories have shown that people and cultures viewed mermaids as symbols of men’s admiration and fear to women. (http://www.pantheon.org/articles/m/mermaid.html)

Mermaid’s existence gives people different perception. Despite the fact that the existence of mermaids has not yet been proven, many people still believe in them. In fact, there are recent evidences captured by some citizens and researchers in the other countries which were shown in one of the famous discovery channel, Animal Planet. People researching and gathering facts and evidences about mermaid changes their perception towards the real characteristics of mermaids.

Women and mermaids share the same characteristics. Women who have strong water aura and mermaids tend to share common traits. These traits and qualities may vary in strength and intensity. Some women may not possess all the characteristics of a mermaid. A mermaid’s astral body is analogous to water in nature. She knows how to let go. She feels pure, freely gives of herself and innocent. Her connection to water produces highly developed feelings of peace, happiness, contentment, vivaciousness, empathy, and the desire to heal and benefit others. (http://www.williammistele.com/finaltraits1019.htm)

Mermaid brings different psychological meanings and perception to people. In general, people represent mermaids as love and seduction to men because many tales said that mermaids lure men especially sailors. Mermaids also represent as wild creatures because of the image they portray and destruction because they bring heavy rains and storms that kills people. (http://novelnovice.com/2010/10/13/all-about-mermaids-myths-legends-pop-culture/)

Mermaids do not only give psychological importance to men but also to women.  Most of the topics discussed are about the representation and symbolism of mermaids to men because of the admiration and affection mermaids give to them. Therefore, having enough knowledge about the importance of mermaids to women will help them towards their perceptions in life.

This research paper focuses to explain the effects of mermaid on women with regard to their importance, meaning, symbolism and psychological aspects of living.

B.  Statement of the Problem

      This study aims to answer the question:

1.      What are the effects of mermaid to women’s psychological mind?

C.  Significance of the study

Researchers.  The study will be very beneficial to the people conducting their research about mermaids. The paper will benefit the researchers because it will serve as additional information to know the significance of the existence of the mermaids. This study can help them think more and find the importance and effect of mermaids in people’s lives.

College Students.  The research paper would help the college students who conduct research about mermaids. This study can help them to know more about mermaids that will give ideas and knowledge that can benefit in the student’s research study.

Women.  This study would help women know the importance and meaning of mermaids in their life. This study can also help women change their perspectives in life in a better way in solving their problems and in facing their life.

D. Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the effects of mermaid on the psychology of women. Articles related to the significance and symbolism of mermaids that affect the psychology of women will be considered.

This study will no longer discuss the history, origin, superstitions and the effects of mermaids to men’s psychology because many stories and articles already said that mermaid symbolizes as seduction, love and death to men where there are cases that most of them drowned and have been lured. Some also said that these mermaids are destruction that causes heavy rains and storms.

The researcher concludes that topics about mermaid discusses mostly about the effects of mermaid in men. This study will benefit to places and countries where people believe about the existence of mermaids. This study will also benefit those women or even other people who give important meanings about mermaid to their lives.

E. Materials and Methods

The researcher attempts to make a connection method between the mermaid and female psychology to identify the effects of the meanings and importance of a mermaid on the lives of people especially women.

Information gathered are from different references such as articles and books which are related to the effects of mermaids and female psychology. Articles from online resources were used to strengthen the information and observations of the study.

F. Definition of Terms

Mermaid.  An imaginary sea creature that has a woman's head and body and a fish's tail instead of legs.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mermaid)

Folklore.  Traditional customs, beliefs, stories, and sayings. Ideas or stories that are not true but that many people have heard or read.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/folklore)

Psychology.  The science or study of the mind and behavior, the way a person or group thinks.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/psychology)

Analogous.  Similar in some way.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/analogous)

Symbolism. The use of symbols to express or represent ideas or qualities in literature and art, the particular idea or quality that is expressed by a symbol.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/symbolism)

Admiration.  A feeling of great respect and approval.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/admiration)

Astral Body. Theosophy denoting or relating to a supposed supersensible substance believed to
form the material of a second body for eachperson, taking the form of an aura discernible to certain giftedindividuals.  (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/astral+body)

Superstition.  A belief or way of behaving that is based on fear of the unknown and faith in magic or luck: a belief that certain events or things will bring good or bad luck.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/superstition)

Seduction.  The act of persuading someone, something that interests and attracts people.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/seduction)

Lure.  An appealing or attractive quality.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lure)

Destruction.  The act or process of damaging something so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired: the act or process of destroying something.  (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/destruction)

Creatures.  A person usually of a specified type, an imaginary or very strange kind of animal. (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/creatures)

Chapter 2

What are the effects of mermaid to women’s psychological mind?


1. Seduction

            People in ancient times see mermaids as seduction. With their enchanting voice, they hypnotize and manipulate men’s mind most commonly sailors.

In an article entitled “The Mermaid” by Heinz Insu Fenkl, mermaids are said to seduce sailor with the sound of their beautiful singing voice to consume their souls. Not only their voice is seductive but also their physical appearance, a very beautiful creature with a very long hair, beautiful and attractive face, and an alluring body that every man wants.

"Mermaids are said to seduce sailors with the sound of their beautiful singing, luring them into shipwreck and death in order to consume their souls. In horror film, “She Creature”, this mermaid seduces men and literally eats them, and her sexual power also influences the sexuality of other women (http://www.endicott-studio.com/jMA03Summer/theMermaid.html).”

Men see mermaids as perfect women. Sailors travelled the sea for a very long period of time that’s why they are looking for mermaids to lessen their boredom and lust. Mermaid’s enchanting voice and sexual power seduce men to follow them.

This idea of the mermaid being a seductive creature implies that certain mermaid characteristics are attractive to men. Men are seduced by a wonderful voice and a sensual body. Because of that many women think that they too should have those qualities.

In an article entitled, “How to Create a Sexy Voice,” by Kate Peters, a famous study by Gardon Gallop from the University of Albany says that:

"A study showed that both men and women with attractive voices also had more attractive bodies, and a larger sex life.  The researchers were able to show that women felt that low voices were more attractive in men, but they were unable to conclude what makes a woman’s voice sound more attractive to men (http://katepeters.com/blog/2012/02/14/how-to-create-a-sexy-voice/).”

            This shows that mermaid have certain characteristics that attract men. Because of this, women who have good voice and attractive body cause more attraction to men.

2. Destruction

            Mermaids are traditionally known for their beautiful voice. They sing lullabies and chants that distract and enchant the people sailing especially sailors. They were blamed for causing shipwrecks.

According to myths, mermaids would sing to men on ships, hypnotizing and manipulating minds with their beauty and song. Those affected would rush out to sea only to be either drowned or eaten by these creatures. These evil-intentioned mermaids were not only seen as dangerous but also destructive. (http://www.gods-and-monsters.com/mermaid-mythology.html)

According to the article, “Women, Mermaids, and Mystique: Why We Don’t Really Want to Be Part of Your World”, by Rachel Motte says that:   

 “Mermaids have usually been depicted as dangerous, unlucky creatures whose appearance bodes ill. Ancient merfolk were thought to lure men to watery graves through their songs and spells.  Though modern merwomen are, by contrast, known for being playful and affectionate, they can do just as much harm as their fiercer ancestors—and more (http://evangelicaloutpost.com/archives/2010/05/women-mermaids-and-mystique-why-we-dont-really-want-to-be-part-of-your-world.html)."

Some believed that mermaids would cause great danger to men who believed they saw a woman drowning and would dive into the waters to save them. And later on, pull them down into the depth of the sea that cause the men to drown and eventually died.

Mermaids are seen to be so attractive that they are able to manipulate men. Given that, women believe that the more control they have over a man, the more attractive they are.

According to the article, “Women Who Control Men”, by Michelle Shannon says that:

                        “Women who control their men are in a much larger power struggle within themselves than they are with the men they control (voices.yahoo.com/women-control-men-128757.html).”

This shows that mermaids, like women, manipulate men to control them. Because of this, women want to control men to get what they want. This gives them the power to overrule men. They want men to follow them and respect them.

3. Temptation

            Mermaid also symbolizes as temptation. Because of their natural beauty and beautiful voice, men can’t resist looking how attractive they are and how beautiful their voice is. A famous story, “Odyssey”, written by Homer tells about one adventure of Odysseus where they encounter mermaids or sirens when they pass the Sirens’ Island. Because of his smartness, Odysseus demands his men to stuff balls of wax into their ears while approaching and passing through the Sirens’ Island. In order for them to escape the temptation he had himself tied to the mast in order to hear the Sirens' music. To avoid diving off of their ships to get to the Sirens and lead to their deaths by way of the sharp rocks off the coast of the island. (http://kittythedreamer.hubpages.com/hub/Sirens-Beautiful-Yet-Dangerous-Mythological-Creatures)

According to the article that was given earlier, “Women, Mermaids, and Mystique: Why We Don’t Really Want to Be Part of Your World”, by Rachel Motte says that:

           “Mermaid has all the power that comes with being desired by men, without the need or ability to ever submit herself to that desire. Women naturally long to be admired, and it’s normal for girls to gravitate towards feminine images which inspire such admiration

This shows that mermaids have tempting characteristics that men admire. They have these sexual characteristics like their sensual body that causes men to be tempted to come to them. Because of these, women who have sensual body are more attractive to men.

During the ancient times until now, mermaid symbolizes different things to people. Despite of their false existence, many people still admire mermaids and continue their fascination to them. Mermaids see men as food and they are seducing and manipulating men to follow them, be drowned and eventually died.

Women admire mermaids not just because of their beauty and attractive body, but because of how these mermaids seduce and manipulate men’s mind. They see mermaids as their strength to have a confidence over men. According to Heinz Insu Fenkl, mermaids’ sexual power also influences women. Like what Medusa, Eve, Delilah and Cleopatra did. Because of their seduction and confidence, they have the ability to overrule men and lose important things to them. Women see mermaids as symbols that not only men can hurt them. Those women can bring men down.


1. Medusa

            In an article entitled “Story of Greek Medusa in Greek Mythology”, written by Martha Leonard, Medusa was known as the “serpent goddess” with hair full of snakes, a body of a dragon and a face that turned those who looked at her to stone. Medusa’s beauty was so stunning that many men courted her, but she became a priestess in Athena’s temple. Her golden hair and her beauty attracted the lustful eyes of the sea god, Poseidon. They coupled in Athena’s temple, a terrible violation of a sacred place. Stories differ as to whether he raped Medusa or she enticed him first. Either way, she got pregnant. When Athena learned what had happened she flew into a rage and cursed Medusa.(http://www.humanities360.com/index.php/story-of-medusa-in-greek-mythology-5-56110/)

            Because of Medusa’s beauty, many are attractive to her that even the powerful sea god fell in love to her. And because of the curse, whoever who looks and stare will immediately transformed into stone. As a woman, medusa’s attractive appearance makes her seduce men. Because of her seductive appearance like what the mermaids symbolizes, many men fall in love with her.

2. Eve

In an article entitled “Adam and Eve Bible Story Summary”, written by David Peach, God gave Adam and Eve one tree from which they were not to eat. This was the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”. God’s command to them was that if they ate from that tree they would die. But Satan told Eve that God knew that she would become enlightened and possess the same knowledge as God had if she ate from the fruit of the tree. This is much like Satan’s temptation to man today, that he does not need God. The fruit was beautiful and looks delicious. Eve fell to the temptation and took the fruit from the forbidden tree. Finding it delicious she took it to Adam. Adam also ate from it. At the time he ate their lives, and that of all future humanity, changed. They immediately knew they had done wrong. They disobeyed God and would be punished. (http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/adam-and-eve-bible-story-summary/)

Because of Eve being tempted she disobeyed the rules and pleads Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. And because of Eve’s seducing words, Adam finally gave up and followed her to eat the forbidden fruit. Eve is example of the symbolism of mermaid, temptation. Because of Eve, Adam was tempted to eat the forbidden fruit that causes them to change their perspective in life.

3. Cleopatra

            In the article entitled “Cleopatra Guide”, written by N.S. Gill, Cleopatra, “Serpent of the Nile”, is known for her beauty and love affairs over the two most powerful men, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, where she had three children. And when Mark Antony took his life, she killed herself by inducing a venomous snake to bite her. (http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/cleopatra/a/CleopatraGuide.htm)

            Because of Cleopatra’s seductive characteristics, she was able to make two powerful men fall in love with her. Her beauty and confidence makes her overpower men.

4. Delilah

In the article “Samson and Delilah, Bible Story Summary, written by Mary Fairchild, Using her powers of seduction and deception, Delilah persistently wore down Samson with her repeated requests, until he finally divulged the crucial information. Having taken the Nazi rite vow at birth, Samson had been set apart to God. As part of that vow, his hair was never to be cut. When Samson told Delilah that his strength would leave him if a razor were to be used on his head, she cunningly crafted her plan with the Philistine rulers. While Samson slept on her lap, Delilah called in a co-conspirator to shave off the seven braids of his hair. Subdued and weak, Samson was captured.(http://christianity.about.com/od/biblestorysummaries/p/samsondelilah.htm)

Being discussed, we can see that Delilah seduced and manipulated Samson’s mind to fall in love with her and later, to know the weakness of Samson that will bring him down because of money. Delilah is an example of the symbolism of mermaid as seduction, temptation, and destruction; Seduction, because she seduce Samson to fall in love with her; Temptation, because Samson was finally tempted to tell Delilah his weakness, and Destruction, because of her, Samson lose his power and strength.


            Most of us know that women want everything to be perfect. They want to get what they want and be the girl every man wants. They want to show that they are capable to be the woman every man is looking for. In an article entitled, “The Mysteries behind Women’s Behavior” written by Jay Julio, he said that in women’s mind, the world revolves around them. Women have a plan for their network of relationships. This means that women have plans for how each guy she meets will fit into her life. And when a man doesn’t seem to get what she wanted to do, she’ll use dramatic tactics in an attempt to manipulate the man. The author also said that if men are not aware, it will become impossible to distinguish the woman’s real behavior from the drama. (http://www.sosuave.com/articles/jj/mysteries.htm)

            Women manage relationships according to what they want. They use different tactics and strategies just to make men believe them and obey them. Women want men to do what they want. Like the mermaid’s alluring voice, women manipulate men’s mind just to follow them and love them more.

Chapter 3


            This paper attempted to determine the effects of mermaids to women’s psychological mind.
The research method used in the study is the connection method wherein data from documents and articles were gathered and used to answer the question. The research findings are the following:

1. Women have deeper meanings in admiring and fascinating mermaids. They admire them because of their ability to seduce men. That mermaid has the power to attract and make men fall in love to them.

2. Mermaids give women certain characteristics that will help women in interacting to men. It gives women confidence to express their selves.

3. Mermaids having the symbolism of temptation and destruction affect women to overrule and bring men down. Women have the power that makes men turn down.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Mermaid influence women in a bad way. They change women’s perspectives in life.

2. Many women who loves mermaid might do bad things. Because of their fascination on mermaids, the symbolism of mermaid might force women to make revenge or do something bad to men.

3. Mermaids help women to have the ability to fight and be confident to express their rights to men.


       After drawing the conclusion of the study, the researchers hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. People, especially women, can give more important meanings in admiring mermaids. But make sure that these fascinations will not cause any trouble and danger to anyone.

2. A person who doesn't have enough learning and knowledge about the symbolism of mermaids must not judge those people who have certain admiration and fascination to mermaids. Because these people might have problems that are related to men that causes them to give importance to the symbolism of mermaids.


Blogpost # 7: Sirenomelia, Becoming A Mermaid

Have you ever dreamed to be a mermaid someday? Can we really breathe under water for a very long time?  Is there a possibility for us humans to be a mermaid?
When we think of mermaids, what comes into our mind? Beautiful, has a golden voice, sexy and fit like a princess. right? But what if these happen in real life? Is it still good to see?
Mermaid Syndrome, which is also known as Sirenomelia, is a disease where the feet combined together which makes the patient unable to walk. As far as I know, these diseases commonly happen in babies or infants when born. Let’s define it in a better way.
For us to understand it further, a certain article in healthline.com entitled “Sirenomelia” by Randall Stuart, Sirenomelia is a lethal birth defect of the lower body characterized by apparent fusion of the legs into a single lower limb. Other birth defects are always associated with Sirenomelia, most commonly abnormalities of the kidneys, large intestines, and genitalia.
Sirenomelia is very lethal most specially to the new born babies because it occurs during birth. The buzzle.com has an article that discusses about the Sirenomelia entitled “Mermaid Syndrome Facts” which was written by Sayali Bedekar Patil. In this article, she talks about some facts and important things to know about the said disease.
-It is such a rare birth defect that only 1 in every 70,000 births is known to have it.
-There are only over 300 (reported) live births of such babies.
-More often than not, the condition proves fatal for the baby. In fact, very few survive it even after surgery.
-Half the cases are usually seen as stillbirths, while it is hundred times more likely to occur in identical twins.
-This disorder was initially mistaken with Caudal Regression Syndrome, but was later reiterated as an independent Sirenomelia Mermaid Syndrome.

Sirenomelia is caused by the abnormal formation of the umbilical cord blood vessels. The normal fetuses have two umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein while Sirenomelia fetus has just one and the normal growth of the fetus is not possible. This artery steals the blood and nutrition from the lower body of the fetus and diverts it back up to the placenta. Due to this malnutrition, the lower limbs of the fetus fail to develop and separate into two limbs. The lower side malnutrition can also results in malformed kidneys and internal or external genitalia. Also, the large intestine can misplace itself within the abdomen of the baby and sometimes even the anus has no opening.
-Scientists and medical professionals still don’t know the real causes of this birth defect in newborns babies. But there are theories these are the possible causes why Sirenomelia disease occurs.
-Illness suffered during pregnancy, either by the expecting mother or directly by the fetus
-Poor prenatal care by the expectant mother
-Genetic abnormalities either in the genes of the mother or the genes of the father
According to an article entitled “Mermaid Syndrome Causes Facts and Syndrome” by Susan Yoga on shopeastwest.com, the only option for the Mermaid Syndrome is a surgery. But going through surgery is very risky for the newborn. The baby might not survive the operation because she’s too young to take a very heavy surgery.
Sirenomelia might be a very lethal disease, but there are cases where newborn babies who go through certain surgeries survived. Going back to the article of Sayali Bedekar Patil on buzzle.com, here are the known survivors in the entire medical history.
Few years ago there were three survivors but in 2009, one of them died and that was Shiloh Pepin.
Shiloh Pepin was born in 1999 and recently died in October 2009, after defying her doctors, who claimed that she would not live past a few days from her birth. The girl lived to be ten years old and can be given the credit for spreading more awareness by appearing on television shows like the Oprah Winfrey Show. A certain article entitled “Born with Fused Legs”, written by Bob Brown on abcnews.go.com, discussed more about the life of Shiloh during her surgeries and operations. The two survivors left are Milagros Cerron and Tiffany Yorks.
Milagros Cerron was born on April 27, 2004 in Peru and is also a courageous survivor of the mermaid syndrome. She also had numerous other complications to go with her already severe condition. She was not only born with just one kidney, but it was later found that both her digestive tract and genitals were one single tube. Like the 'miracle' that her name means in Spanish, this girl born in a poor Spanish family received all her medical treatment at the expense of the Lima Government. This Spanish girl was left almost mute by the intense medical treatment that she went through, but she has, today, overcome that trauma, too. Another baby, like Milagros, named Tiffany Yorks went through several operations and luckily survived.

Tiffany Yorks is the oldest survivor of mermaid syndrome and was born with the defect in 1980. Unfortunately, she had more problems than just fused legs. She was born without a bladder which had to be surgically put in. She had about five surgeries before she was one, to separate her legs and correct her other internal problems. She has had many more surgeries all throughout her youth, for her mermaid syndrome has caused her many problems even after the ones she had corrected earlier.

Now that we have enough knowledge about Mermaid Syndrome, do you think we are connected to mermaids?
Based on my opinion, Mermaid Syndrome or Sirenomelia is not one of the possible causes for us to become a mermaid. If you can see, the causes and defects of having a mermaid syndrome don’t have connections to have characteristics of a mermaid. Even if the mermaid babies have fused legs, their tails don’t have scales like the fish or mermaids. The reason why their legs are combined is because of some complications during pregnancy of their mother.

Blogpost # 6: Hide and Seek, Where Are You Mermaids?

Mermaids have been the talk of town for centuries and ages. Many cultures and people sailing said that there are mermaids. Many were claiming that Mermaids really exist but only few of them have been able to provide the evidence to prove that these creatures are real. I found an article that discusses about the places where Mermaid Sightings occurred.
The article, entitled “10 Credible Mermaid Sightings” by Daniel Cameron on theepochtimes.com, shows that there are 10 places where you can find Mermaids.
Kiryat Yam, Israel (May 2013)
Kiryat Yam is the only place where a $1 million reward is up for grabs for the first person who can provide conclusive footage capturing a real mermaid. The local government has offered this reward in response to the numerous mermaid sightings there. And in May 2013, there’s a famous video footage covered by two US tourists which I already discussed with you in my other blog posts. Another, there’s a woman named Shlomo Cohen who said that she saw a mermaid that appears at sunset. She even gave her statement to the Israel National News.
Greenland Sea (March 2013)
On March 6, 2013, Dr. Torsten Schmidt, marine geologist, released extraordinary footage of what he believes to be a mermaid that he captured on camera during one of his deep-sea explorations. At nearly 3,000 ft (1,000 m) below the ocean’s surface, Dr. Schmidt reported not only seeing some interesting phenomenon, but also hearing some remarkable things. After reporting to the Iceland GeoSurvey he requested to undertake an investigation, which was declined. “We were reminded of our confidentiality agreements. And we were told we could not share our recording with anyone else,” Dr. Schmidt said on the Animal Planet’s documentary, “Mermaids: The New Evidence.” He ended up conducting his own investigation where he “took down two cameras on every dive, just in case we see them.” Commenting on his footage, he said that “well I looked at it, and knew I was looking into the face of another intelligent species, like us.” The video footage recorded by Dr. Schmidt was already discussed in one of my blog posts. In there, you can see the image and the video of the said species.
Zimbabwe, Africa (2012)
Mermaids have been sighted in Zimbabwe, Africa which was claimed that these mermaids were the one responsible why the building of dams was delayed. It is being said that these mermaids were harassing the workers when installing the water pumps. And because of this many workers decided to resign and would not return to work there again.

South Africa (August 1991)
Human-like creatures were found in the belly of a dead great white shark in Southern Africa. The body was then examined and it was determined to have hands and a humanoid skull. A stingray barb was left jammed in the shark’s jaws, and this is claimed to be a mermaid’s weapon.

British Columbia, Canada (1967)
A sighting occurred when tourists who were on a ferry saw a woman with the tail of a dolphin. She was described as having beautiful blonde hair and was seen eating salmon. It was reported in the Times-Colonist newspaper and drew a lot of attention, but no one has since spotted it again.
Kei Islands, Indonesia (1943)

In 1943, during World War II, several mermaids were spotted by Japanese soldiers on the shores of the Kei Islands in Indonesia. They reported seeing them swimming in the water, and one on the beach. Sgt. Taro Horiba heard news of a dead mermaid washed up on the shore, he went to examine it. After seeing it with his own eyes he was convinced. After his return to Japan, he urged scientists to go and study such mermaids, however his claims were turned down as they didn't believe him, hence no investigation was undertaken. Locals refer to mermaids as Orang Ikan, or “fish people” in Malay. There have been several such sightings in the area, and apparently mermaids have been reportedly been caught in fishing nets on the odd occasion.
Cape Breton, Canada (August 1886)
This reported mermaid sighting from Canada in 1886 is quoted by zoologist Dr. Karl Shuker on his website karlshuker.blogspot.com entitled "Shuker Nature". He said that “Mr. Bagnall, accompanied by several fishermen, observed some floating object on the surface of the water a few yards from the boat which they thought was a corpse. But when they got near the object, they were surprised when it moved, turned around in a sitting position, looked at them and suddenly disappeared. A few moments after, it appeared on the surface and again looked toward them, after which it disappeared altogether. There is no doubt, that the mysterious stranger is what is known as a mermaid, and the first one ever seen in Cape Breton waters.”

Spain (June 1737)
Shuker quotes another newspaper report from Daily Kennebec Journal of Augusta, Maine, 24 June 1873: “About the same time a story came from Virgo, in Spain, to the effect that some fishermen on that coast had caught a sort of a merman, five feet and a half from head to foot. The head was like that of a goat, with a long beard and mustache  a black skin, somewhat hairy, a very long neck, short arms, hands longer than they ought to be in proportion, and long fingers, with nails like claws; webbed toes, and a fin at the lower part of the back.”

Henry Hudson, Russia (June 1608)

Henry Hudson, explorer and discoverer of the Hudson River, records seeing a real mermaid near Russia. He wrote in his log: “Two crew members—Thomas Hilles and Robert Rayner—sighted a mermaid at 75° 7′ N, and shouted at the rest of the crew to come and look.” Hudson further recorded it as having a “tail of a porpoise and speckled like a mackerel.”

Christopher Columbus’ Travels (January 1493)
Christopher Columbus has reported sighting mermaids whilst he was out at sea. He stated, “They were not as beautiful as they are painted, although to some extent they have a human appearance in the face….”

Now, you already knew where the mermaids can be found. If you really want to see mermaids, visit these places. But, make sure to bring some patience with you, because mermaids are very good hiders. They only go out when they feel that  no one is around. 

Blogpost # 5: Mermaid as Entertainment

One of the things that we consider to take away our stress is to entertain ourselves. And when we say entertain, we find things that will make us happy and contented. But how do mermaids entertain us?  There are some fun games and activities that are related to mermaids where most of us enjoy.

We love to play different kind of games even if we’re not young anymore. For example: DOTA, basketball and computer games like Cooking Games, Action Games, Ball Games or even Dress-Up Games. Honestly, I’m still playing dress-up games when I was in high school. Dress-up Games is dressing up characters like Disney Princesses, Models, Cute girls, and also Mermaids. Many young girls play these kinds of games because they find it attractive. Dressing up is like bringing the fashion and artistic side of you. There’s an article written by Adriana Jefferson entitled “Mermaid Dress Up Games” on ezinearticles.com where the author discussed her love for online mermaid dress up games. In this article, she said that there are three main characteristics why she loves to play these games: “they’re fun, they’re ticket to the dreamland world and they stimulate little girls’ creativity!” There’s another game I found which is also related to mermaids.
An article entitled “’Shark vs.Mermaid Death Squad' Launched by Greenpeace to Raise Awareness for SustainableFishing” written by Dominique Mosbergen on huffingtonpost.com talks about the video game “Shark vs. Mermaid Death Squad”.
In the game, called "Shark vs. Mermaid Death Squad," users can choose to play as a shark, a turtle or a manta ray -- three marine creatures whose populations have been threatened by destructive tuna fishing. Players must navigate the chosen animal character through the Pac-Man-style interface, liberate tuna from cans and avoid three nemeses characters, which are nasty-looking iterations of the mascots for canned tuna brands Chicken of the Sea, Bumble Bee and Mermaid. According to Greenpeace, this game is made to raise awareness about unsustainable tuna fishing.

In my opinion, mermaid games were made not just to entertain us but also used to help environmental problems related to the ocean. 
Film Movies
Many films and movies about mermaids were made for us to watch and be entertained. In an article in thescorexardreview.com, Megan Lehar discussed the “Top 7 Mermaid Movies”. But I will only discuss the two most popular movies I knew, “The Little Mermaid” and “Aquamarine”.
Let’s discuss first The Little Mermaid. The Little Mermaid is about Ariel, a mermaid princess, who longs to know more about the humans who live on land. While spying on people, she saves the life of a prince named Eric (Christopher Daniel Barnes) and falls in love with him. She sneaks behind her father’s back and makes a deal with Ursula, the sea witch, to be given legs so that she can woo Eric. But she must give up her voice, and if she cannot make Eric kiss her within three days, she’ll be Ursula’s forever. 

This movie is based on Hans Christian Andersen. The Little Mermaid was a very good movie for me. Ariel, being a princess, decided to leave her throne for her uncertain love. Another popular movie entitled “Aquamarine” was discussed in the article.

Aquamarine talks about the two young teens who find a mermaid named Aquamarine in a swimming pool after a stormy night.  When they discover she’s looking for true love, they offer to help her if she’ll grant them a wish for them not to be separated. Aquamarine sets her sights on Raymond, a local lifeguard, who all the girls have a crush on.

If you can see, movies about mermaids have similar purpose. And that is to inspire us and never give up in finding our true love. I can say that these movies wanted us to know and realize that being different is not an exception to find you true love. And even if you and your love have different levels and statuses in life, always remember that nothing can stop and separate the both of you.
Mermaid Swimming
Do you want to swim like a mermaid? These days, we can learn how to swim like a mermaid. Many people enroll in swimming lessons, because they want to learn how to swim. But there’s another kind of swimming lessons where you will practice swimming like a mermaid. In an article on dailymail.co.uk entitled “Real-life Mermaid Swims with Whales Using Very Own Fish Tail - and Holds Breath for Two Minutes on Deep Sea Dives” written by Deborah Arthurs, the author said that a swimmer named Hannah Fraser, 36,was inspired to make first tail after watching Daryl Hannah in the mermaid film “Splash”. The author said that Hannah made her first tail and started to swim like a mermaid when she was 9. And it’s because of her fascination of mermaids since she was 3. And now, mermaid swimming lessons have already reached our country, Philippines. A certain article on diversityhuman.com entitled “Mermaid Swimming Lessons by Mermaid Swimming Academy” by Mage Lynden discussed that the Academy are now open for people who wants to learn how to swim like a mermaid located in Makati. The Mermaid Swimming Academy also said, "Make your fantasy come true and escape into the mysterious mythical world of mermaids."
Mermaid Shows
Mermaid shows is one of the popular tourist spots in every Ocean Park. There’s an article entitled “Generations of Mermaids Dance in Weeki Wachee Springs” written by Cathy Salustri on visitflorida.com. Northern Sun Coast in Florida has this one of a kind show called “Weeki Wachee Springs State Park” who invited the world to watch these mermaids dance. The girls doing the mermaid dance were very glad to make the people watching them happy. But the sad part is when they leave their job. Barbara Wynns, the spokes-mermaid said that "Whenever these current mermaids get ready to quit I tell them, ‘Be sure you're really done, because you're never really done'," and added, "Every mermaid that ever swam a show at Weeki Wachee would say, ‘If I could just get on that air hose one more time.'"
Swimming like a mermaid might be fun. In fact, I really want to swim like a mermaid, not to be a mermaid.  Mermaids might not be the good looking creatures that we knew, but they have certain characteristics that attract us and make us love them and be fascinated by them.